RFP for Irrigation Districts We realise this form is time consuming, we will still respond if you include just your name and contact details. However a realistic proposal will require more info and we encourage you to give us the details where applicable. Name (required): Address and County of District: Contact Person (required): Title: Phone (required): Fax: Email (required): Length of canal (miles): Main: Lateral: Surface Acreage of Water Is your canal: Concrete-lined Unlined earth Piped Water Source(s): Water Clarity: Is it in 100-year flood plain? Yes No Aquatic Weeds present (species if known): Algae present (species if known): Do you have dry up? Yes No When? If you do dry up, where does the water go? What is your annual chemical budget for water treatment? Briefly describe annual dredging and maintenance on the canal system: Do you have problems with pests? Birds Snails Molluscs Insects Other important considerations: